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When I Miss My Friends

Bonjooouurr! Asli, kangen banget nulis disini 😄. Kalau dilihat-lihat, gue udah nggak blogging semenjak awal tahun 2021. Gue tidak ingin mengklaim diri gue sibuk, tapi pada kenyataannya, selama gue nggak nge- blog, banyak sekali hal yang perlu gue rumat sebagai budak korporat. Budak korporat disini nggak selalu negatif kok, hihi. I was attended a quite-long training from my company. Pelatihan yang biasanya hanya memakan waktu sekitar sebulan, ini bisa ditotal jadi tiga sampai empat bulan. Pelatihan ini sangat penting untuk karyawan baru di divisi gue, jadi gue nggak boleh menyia-nyiakannya. Apa yang gue dapatkan kemarin akan sangat mempengaruhi performa gue sebagai karyawan di perusahaan gue. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Aktivitas yang menurut gue melelakan--namun juga mengasyikan--ini lah yang membuat gue ngga fokus untuk berpikir yang lain. Oh, kalau ada teman-teman yang bilang gue aktif di media sosial tapi nggak blogging , somehow , ada feel yang sempat hilang disini. Un

Was A Song

I'm what the world needs
Cared by someone who loves me
He told me that i'm good just the way I am
A beautiful roses, a strong shaft
Some green leaves with everyday stories

That day when he got a new seed
Scented a romantic smell
It supposed to be the one who loved by everyone
He forgot some good roses for sure

I will drop the dried leaves
Then i'll change with another roses
Keep the same thing happen
Let the rose opens up itself
But how the roses do the thing when you leave?
No one cares, no one knows if I needed
Smell another flower and forget me
Another late night post. I just realized that this song which actually made by me few years ago. And minutes ago i was like: omg lucky me, i found this song in my notes. This song WAS about me, whom I loved was gone (I even forget who he was and what happened) and yea, I felt lonely and hoped to be left behind. But MAYBE, this song is correlated with my previous post, so i post this song to complete that previous one.

And absolutely, i was already got the chord for this song and i still remember it, because i always record my voice when it comes about my songs he he.



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